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What to do if you are at risk for diabetes


If you identify yourself as someone with prediabetes:

Research shows that doing just two things can help you prevent or delay diabetes (Type 2):

      1. Lose 5% to 7% of your body weight, which would be 10 to 14 pounds for a 200-pound person 

      2. Get at least 150 minutes (each week) of physical activity, such as brisk walking.


   The National Diabetes Prevention Program:

  •    Is a way to prevent diabetes Lifestyle change programs offered through the 

         National Diabetes Prevention Program click to read more

  •    The program, led by CDC, can help you reduce your risk of developing Type 2 diabetes by about 58%.

  •    Trained lifestyle coaches lead classes to help participants improve their food choices, 

  •     Increase physical activity, and learn coping skills to maintain weight loss and healthy lifestyle.                                                                                   


  •    To find out if there is a lifestyle class being offered in your  community: Visit CDC online

   [Click Here]: For Registry of Recognized Organizations:

    CDC - Registry - Diabetes Prevention Recognition Program - National ...


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