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Diabetes Prevention Program













The Prevent DiabetesT2 curriculum is based on the original 2002 DPP trial and follow-up studies. It promotes modest weight loss (5-7%) and increased physical activity through a 12 month lifestyle change program and also reflects new literature on self-efficacy, physical activity, and diet. 


Materials and Handouts Consists of:

  • The participant schedule,
  • Tools to assist with tracking food,
  • Fitness, and weight, and additional resources.


Click here to view or download the program handouts .















SESSIONS:  Months 1-6

Session 1: Welcome to the National Diabetes Prevention Program    
Session 2: Be a Fat and Calorie Detective    

Session 3: Three Ways to Eat Less Fat and Fewer Calories

Session 4: Healthy Eating    
Session 5: Move Those Muscles    
Session 6: Being Active - A way of Life    
Session 7: Tip the Calorie Balance    

Session 8: Take Charge of What's Around You

Session 9: Problem Solving    

Session 10: Four Keys to Healthy Eating Out

Session 11: Talk Back to Negative Thoughts    
Session 12: The Slippery Slope of Lifestyle Change    
Session 13: Jump Start Your Activity Plan    
Session 14: Make Social Cues Work for You    

Session 15: You Can Manage Stress

Session 16: Ways to Stay Motivated    



SESSIONS: Months 7-12    
Session 1: Welcome to Sessions 7-12    
Session 2: Fats - Saturated, Unsaturated, and Trans Fat    

Session 3: Food Preparation and Recipe Modificaiton

Session 4: Healthy Eating - Taking it One Meal at a Time    
Session 5: Healthy Eating with Variety and Balance    
Session 6: More Volume, Fewer Calories    
Session 7: Staying on Top of Physical Activity    

Session 8: Stepping up to Physical Activity

Session 9: Balance Your Thoughts for Long-Term Maintenance    

Session 10: Handling Holidays, Vacations, and Special Events

Session 11: Preventing Relapse    
Session 12: Stress and Time Management    
Session 13: Heart Health    
Session 14: A Closer Look at Type 2 Diabetes    

Session 15: Final Session: Looking Back and Looking Forward



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